Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Letters from Commanding Officers, 1918

L/Cpl E. D. Deane
Hampshire Regt.

I wish to place on record my appreciation of your gallantry and devotion to duty on 24th Marth 1918. When your platoon was ordered to retire you mounted your Lewis Gun and inspite of heavy shell and machine-gun fire held up the enemy until your platoon had reached their new position.

Sydney Lawford
Major General
Comdg. 41st Division

Dear Mrs Deane,

I am sending you the enclosed card from the Divisional General which was gained by your son in the recent fighting in the South.

Your son, at the moment, as I expect you know, is in hospital with a slight attach of trench fever and as I do not know his address I am forwarding it to his home address.

May I offer you my hearty congratulations on your son's gallant conduct, not only on the occasion mentioned, but throughout the operations and to take the opportunity of letting you know how valuable the services rendered by Cpl Deane have always been to me.

Trusting this reaches you safely and wishing a rapid recovery and return to your son.

I remain

Yours sincerely

C C Oxborrow
Capt. O.C.A. Coy
15th Hants

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